Posts about Reisu every Monday and Thursday

Monday, November 8, 2010


Meals are a very important part of day to day life no matter where you live, or what culture you are from.

The word for meal in Reisu is 'alo'. You might say to a child "Enata alo ono", "Finish your meal".

Breakfast - Alopaba
Lunch - Alojoni
Dinner - Alotego

Paba means start, joni means middle or center, and tego means end.

O xipaba katahaa nopu amunu alopaba aku!
You should always start the day with a good breakfast!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Where are you from?

This is a conversation og two people making small talk over the phone while waiting for something to process or whatever. I have this conversation at work all the time.

Vumoze: Mo, o okoko dei?
Deyaze: Alabama, bo ei omagi pa Karolaina Eko.
Vumoze: O! Izi ono lamu Kanada.
Deyaze: A... ei vadidula kataze. O okoko dei?

Customer: So where are you from?
Clerk: Alabama, but I live in South Carolina.
Customer: Oh! You sound like you're from Canada.
Clerk: Um... I've never been there. Where are you from?

And yes, it's pretty much this exact conversation. Where people get Canada from I don't know. It only happens at work, so it must be my customer voice.

There's one phrase here that's in need of a literal translation.
O okoko dei?
You house where?
When okoko is used as a verb it means 'to be from'. To ask where someone's physical house is we can say:
Okoko ono dei?
House your where?

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween :D

So Halloween is awesome, and I want to share some Halloween related words in Reisu.

Candy - Saki
Ghost - Noto
Costume - Tivukodi
Pumpkin - Zalubaba
Apple Cider - Avo Gapasiri
Black Cat - Komo Hexi
Zombie - Bimo

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

What's my age again?

Below is a sample conversation discussing age. Also from now going forward, when I post conversations I'm going to use Reisu given names.

A conversation between two friends who have not known each other long:

Gapasiri: Nopumada eino nopufu!
Nebupina: E? Kualafu nopurigisa jei?
Gapasiri: Tuxoto... Ei pabanu holanu doro...
Nebupina: [Hahanu] O xodigo bo lo ei.
Gapasiri: Ehe? O nopurigisa jei?
Nebupina: Vixo.
Gapasiri: Ei kuvitala. O una xodigo.
Nebupina: Xati.

Gapasiri: My birthday is tomorrow!
Nebupina: Oh? How old are will you be?
Gapasiri: Twenty-five... I'm starting to feel old...
Nebupina: [Laughing] You are still younger than me.
Gapasiri: Really? How old are you?
Nebupina: Thirty.
Gapasiri: I didn't know. You seem younger.
Nebupina: Thanks.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Reisu Travel Phrases Part 2

After Monday's post, David recommended I check out The Four Essential Travel Phrases. This site is awesome, so I translated the four phrases into Reisu. Enjoy!

Where is my room?
Vato ono le dei?

Where is the beach?
Lazaha dei?

Where is the bar?
Onapiivija dei?

Don't touch me there!
Kuzuli ei levo/natavo!
-Levo is literally that place, natavo is in that way/manner.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Reisu Travel Phrases

If you ever find yourself in Reixeko (State of Rei) then the following phrases are very useful. If such a place only existed.

O neina Reisu/Egaisu nei?
Do you speak Reisu/English?

Ei neina Reisu tai/aku.
I speak Reisu some/well.

Ei uneina Reisu./Ei uneina Reisuze.
I don't speak Reisu./I don't speak any Reisu.

O lijikua onapihalo xali nei?
Can you recommend a good restaurant?

Vatozeta dei?
Where is the bathroom?

Ei piteinu lo __. O vita sede lo leru?
I'm looking for __. Do you know how to get there? (Lit: Do you know directions to that place?)

Eru geri jei?
How much does this cost?

Monday, October 4, 2010

Terms of Endearment

This past month I just started a new job, and I knew it would be stressful so I created some posts that would go up automatically. Unfortunately I completely underestimated just how long it would take me to get into the swing of things, and so many weeks have gone by with no entries D: I'm still not really set in a routine with me new position, but I wanted to focus my brain on something more pleasant. So here's a post on Reisu terms of endearment!

In the kinship terms post one term of endearment was introduced kokoxai. This is only used for long term relationships. Referring to someone as kokoxai before they are ready can make someone seem clingy.

It's common to hear terms of endearment with names of birds and flowers. For example it's popular to refer to a child as xuxuxai, which is a shortened from 'vexuxusuxai' (meaning little ducking) because that's quite the tongue twister!

Some popular terms of endearment when referring to females are vexulimani (songbird) and jevaxai (little flower). For males a popular one is puhoxai (pony), but more common for males is to have the gender neutral ones. Some examples of those are vexulixai (little owl, shortened from vexulitaxai) and vexuruxai (little dove, shortened from vexuruluxai).

There are two more common words that could be considered terms of endearment. Komoxai (little kitten) for females and komozua (tom cat) for males. These terms have a much more sexual connotation, so in some situations they can be considered derogatory. However these words are considered mild enough that they are not curse words.